moms to motorcycles

Celebrating the little things in life through struggles, hardships, and challenges with God, kids, motorcycles, and everything in between!

Archive for the tag “Tree”

Daily Prompt: Landscape/ A Dreamer’s Life

Daily Prompt: Landscape

556794_4389474569621_1515783687_nWhen you gaze out your window–real or figurative–do you see the forest first or the trees?

I longingly look out into the cool windy day as I sit sipping a cup of black swirling coffee.  I tip my head to hear the song of the house finch with its red-speckled head peeking through the branches of the newly budded box elder tree…

I can see the tiny leaves starting to open up into a beautiful green hue.  The small little limbs have sprouted a new growth of lighter brown and are climbing their way to the open sky…

Wow!  The sky….what a sight!  The billowing clouds in the distance with a hint of gray preparing us for another round of storms.  Oh, how I love the rain…the way it sounds on our tin roof.  So peaceful…so calming to the soul…kind of like the ocean…25046_1339026710331_1514100_n

The ocean…what an awesome display of power!  The way the waves crash on the sandy beach leaving a trail of pure white foam behind.  Reminds me of a  creamy vanilla cappuccino….

A cappuccino sounds good right now…but I’d have to drive an hour to get me one.  Guess I’ll just sip on my black swirling coffee and listen to the house finch sing his glorious song…

Ahhh…the life of a dreamer.  How can we possibly think of the forest when there are so many trees to enjoy?  The only sad truth for a dreamer is this thing called life, also known as the forest…the big picture.  Sometimes a person can get so caught up in the big picture that they forget to stop and smell the roses….oh, the roses…I can just smell their fragrant perfume now….

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