moms to motorcycles

Celebrating the little things in life through struggles, hardships, and challenges with God, kids, motorcycles, and everything in between!

Archive for the tag “marriage”

He’s the One!

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He’s the one who has all of the traits if I were to make a list of the perfect man.

He’s the one that every woman dreams of but I get to have.

He’s the one that loves me unconditionally despite my never-ending flaws.

He’s the one that when I’m having a bad day, he always asks “what’s wrong?”

He’s the one that leans in close to hear me say, “nothing” and brushes a kiss against my cheek.

He’s the one that grabs my waist with his strong work-worn hands and pulls me in close.

He’s the one that holds me tight when the tears start to flow.

He’s the one I melt into and share all of my fears with.

He’s the one that stays when so much should make him leave.

He’s the one that I still long for, live for, and dream about even after twenty years of marriage.

He’s the one. The only one. And thank God he’s mine.

18 years.JPG Valentines Day 2011

Let me tell you a bit more about my husband:

 My husband still gets asked how he can have a teenage daughter when he only looks 25. 🙂

When he turned 40, he achieved his own personal goal of being in the best shape of his life.

He cooks.  He cleans.  He’s organized.  Yes, it’s true!

He is the best daddy in the world!  He cherishes time with his family and never takes it for granted.

He can do absolutely anything he sets his mind to.

He introduces me to everybody as his “beautiful wife”.

My husband has put up with so much in the 24 years we have spent together, AND he still calls me his best friend.

My kids. My miracles


I am a mother of three beautiful children.  Each one of them are miracles from God.  I’m not just saying this like any other parent.  They are true miracles.  I wasn’t suppose to have babies.  But, long story short, here they are!  Our oldest, our only daughter, was such a true blessing!  The one that proved that God was sovereign and that He didn’t need man telling Him that something wasn’t possible. Our first son, the middle child, our second miracle, in more ways than one.  Even with an uneventful pregnancy with him, we nearly lost him at birth.  That story is a whole other blog.  Then SEVERAL years later our second son, our go getter!  I’m older and more tired, but God gives me the strength to keep up.  I think…

So, this is what I tell myself on days like this where I just want to tear my hair out and scream.  That my kids are miracles.  Why then, do I feel like giving up sometimes?  Does there need to be a particular reason why?  Just because…I’m tired.

Just one week ago, my dear husband had an emergency appendectomy.  That was the first time in our twenty years of marriage that I have seen him in a hospital bed.  I am the unhealthy one who has pushed the “in sickness and in health” from our marriage vows to it’s ultimate test!  Not my husband!  I was panicked.  What would I do without him?  What would I do if he didn’t make it?  How could I possibly raise our kids without him?  Wow!  What a scare!  But here it is seven days later, and he’s back to work. Yep, already.  He’s strong and determined. And God showed me that He is still in control.

Now what? I guess I sit here and wait for my little guy to wake up and the chase will begin again.

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