moms to motorcycles

Celebrating the little things in life through struggles, hardships, and challenges with God, kids, motorcycles, and everything in between!

Archive for the month “May, 2013”

Daily Prompt/Journey

Run for the Wall 2011 056

I’m going to let these pictures tell my story…

This is a picture of motorcyclists from Kansas including Legion Riders, Abate, CMA, etc who are welcoming and showing support for those who are riding from Las Angeles, CA to Washington, DC with the Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall.  We had the honor of being here…

Run for the Wall 2011 048

Run for the Wall 2011 035

This is a picture of my husband and my father-in-law holding one of the American flags.  My father-in-law is a Vietnam Veteran.  His body was exposed to agent orange in Vietnam and is now paying for it with Parkinson’s Disease.  Midway through this event, he had to quit due to weakness, but he still held his head high!

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Every time one of the motorcyclists would get ready to pass under the bridge, they would honk, stand up, wave to say thank you!

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This picture doesn’t do this justice.  If you can tell, there are hundreds of motorcycles coming down the road…

This is a true journey of bravery, courage, and honor.  One of these days we hope to be doing this with them, but for now we will welcome them by standing and showing our support by flying our American flag!

Run for the Wall 2011 037  Run for the Wall 2011 060

Vietnam Wall

Daily Prompt/Journey with the 2011Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall

Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

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For me the best way to escape is on a Harley!

Daily Prompt: Too Big To Fail

Berlin Marathon 2007

Berlin Marathon 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I would do two things if I knew I couldn’t fail.

1. I would run a marathon.

A lot of people who know me would be utterly surprised by this because I don’t run.  Ever.  Well, actually I started running in 2002 after my son was born.  I ran every morning, but my running consisted of running a block then walking a block and so on and so forth.  Even though I ran daily, I could never get my cardio up enough to run more than a block.  Turns out that I have a minor Mitra Valve Prolapse.  Then about 6 months into my running regime, I started having migraines…not the kind that most people think they have and still do their job, read their book kind of migraine.  Mine were down for two weeks, don’t move, don’t turn on the light, don’t make a sound migraine.  The migraines ended my running career.  No running said the doctor.  Ever.

So if I could never fail, I would run a marathon…that would also mean that I look good physically because that HAS to come with the marathon running, right?

2. I would go around the world sharing Christ with prisoners.

I have given my testimony to minimum and medium security all male prisoners twice in my life.  I felt like this was where I was supposed to be.  God called me back in the 1990’s to do His work and He gave me a picture of what I was going to do…I was speaking to a large group of people.  I still believe it will happen…

So if I could never fail at speaking to prisoners, it would mean all of the ins and outs and legalities of going into the prisons are taken care of, I’m completely safe all the time, and I’m back at home with my family when I need to be.

Too big to fail and absolute perfect conditions for me to do what I choose!

Sunburns and Fingerprints


Yesterday was my son’s play day at school.  Multiple track and field events are undertaken throughout the course of the day.  My boy, D, thrives in competition, so I was looking forward to getting to see him perform.

Going for an all day event outside in the Kansas heat and sun means that you have to prepare very carefully, especially with a toddler in tow.  So, I brought the necessary sunblock for myself and for the Little Guy, along with snacks, lots of water, Powerades, and a good lunch for all of us.  Before heading out of the car to the track, I slathered on the sunblock on the Little Guy.  Last thing I wanted was to have a sad Little Guy with a sunburn to take care of for days on end.  I decided, against my better judgement, to wait for my own sunblock because I THOUGHT I needed a little color.  Little being the operative word.  We then head out for an eventful day.

My tween age son is a bit small for his age, but what he lacks in stature, he makes up for in his attitude.  You get what I mean….he’s small but mighty, but I digress.  D chose to compete in the long jump, high jump, 400 run, and for a little excitement, the sack races!  One would think that these events that he chose would be for the tall and lanky, but why stunt the efforts of a little guy? IMG_5117 Well, I am proud to say that D came home with a first in all of his events for his age group, except the high jump which he got second.  Last year D broke the school record of the long jump.  I wish I could remember how far he jumped.  This year he performed just as well.

1:30 soon approached and the activities of the day came to a close.  D and the Little Guy were both tired and somewhat cranky.  Despite my best efforts of making everyone drink the necessary fluids, all of us were in need of hydration and a cool atmosphere, so we eventually headed for home.  While driving home, I felt that all too familiar tingle of an onset of a sunburn.  Oh brother, the excitement of the day made me forget or maybe not want to go back to the car and apply sunblock.  We get home and the red on my shoulders is glaring up at me.  Well, you would think that I would have enough smarts to protect myself for the rest of the day, especially when heading out on a motorcycle ride for a couple of hours…all…by…myself…yes, all by myself…without kids….without a care in the world!  Or so I thought.  I arrived home, picked up my Little Guy, and that’s when I knew that I was in for a world of hurt!  My arms, chest, and feet were screaming at me with a blazing red sunburn!  I head to the bathroom to wipe off the road grime from my ride and access the sunburn damage and that’s when I see it….right smack dab in the middle of my bicep are two very white hand prints in the middle of the scarlet red.  My Little Guy had branded me with his freshly sun-blocked hands before the day had even started!  Oh, I just had to laugh.  I love being a mom and now I have the marks to prove that I am just that…a mom…


Daily Prompt: Landscape/ A Dreamer’s Life

Daily Prompt: Landscape

556794_4389474569621_1515783687_nWhen you gaze out your window–real or figurative–do you see the forest first or the trees?

I longingly look out into the cool windy day as I sit sipping a cup of black swirling coffee.  I tip my head to hear the song of the house finch with its red-speckled head peeking through the branches of the newly budded box elder tree…

I can see the tiny leaves starting to open up into a beautiful green hue.  The small little limbs have sprouted a new growth of lighter brown and are climbing their way to the open sky…

Wow!  The sky….what a sight!  The billowing clouds in the distance with a hint of gray preparing us for another round of storms.  Oh, how I love the rain…the way it sounds on our tin roof.  So peaceful…so calming to the soul…kind of like the ocean…25046_1339026710331_1514100_n

The ocean…what an awesome display of power!  The way the waves crash on the sandy beach leaving a trail of pure white foam behind.  Reminds me of a  creamy vanilla cappuccino….

A cappuccino sounds good right now…but I’d have to drive an hour to get me one.  Guess I’ll just sip on my black swirling coffee and listen to the house finch sing his glorious song…

Ahhh…the life of a dreamer.  How can we possibly think of the forest when there are so many trees to enjoy?  The only sad truth for a dreamer is this thing called life, also known as the forest…the big picture.  Sometimes a person can get so caught up in the big picture that they forget to stop and smell the roses….oh, the roses…I can just smell their fragrant perfume now….

Be my strength

Being a mom is the best job in the world, but it’s also one of the most thankless ones…sometimes.

Last night my little guy was up all night. My husband helps out for most of it but when my baby boy just wants his momma, nothing else will console him.

So…I am tired today.  Physically, mentally, and spiritually. When I feel the way I feel right now, I need to be on guard. I know I need to self protect. I need to run into Jesus’s arms.

Today…I’m resting.

Overcoming the Darkness

Why can’t I get past this darkness?  Why do I have to struggle so much with these emotions?  Why can’t I be free from depression?  Why do I have to think so much?

This barrage of questions started early this morning….

Last night I got an invitation for today to go to a breakfast brunch with a group of my used-to-be bible study women.  Used-to-be, as in…before baby. I immediately got excited to get to have some much-needed fellowship and these ladies are a wonderful group to be involved with.

So, this morning I get up, get the kids off to school, get dressed in a nice shirt and jewelry, put on my make-up, and sit down to wait for the little guy to wake up.  That’s when it all started!  I start thinking…and the thoughts just take off!  “Maybe I should change my clothes.  I look fat.”  “Maybe I shouldn’t wear jewelry.  It looks like I’m trying too hard.”  “It’s raining out.  I like to be home on rainy days.”  “Maybe I should let the little guy sleep.”  “Maybe I shouldn’t go.”  Aaaahhhh!  Just go!  I get up, grab the little guy, and head out the door.

As I’m driving the 15 minutes into town, what little excitement I had, turns to trepidation.  It was all I could do to not turn the car around and head back home.

I pull up to the house after driving around to make sure I wasn’t the first one to arrive and head to the door.  I ring the door bell only to be met with a surprised hostess.  She wasn’t expecting me.  I hear from behind her the one who invited me say, “I’m sorry, I forgot to tell her that you were coming.”  I walk into the kitchen to see that the bar was set for just five places which meant there wasn’t enough room for me.  A hurry to get all of the place settings from the bar to the table entails, plus one.

We sit down to enjoy a wonderful breakfast.  My little guy enjoys the food very much as he sits on someone else’s lap and I feed him.  All is going well.  Then the part I have been looking forward to starts… the camaraderie, the fellowship…the talking.  This is also when the “Tornado” starts. My little guy, Mr. F-5, the measurement of an incredibly powerful tornado with winds up to 300 mph, starts his trail of destruction.  The home we are in is very ornately decorated with breakables everywhere!  A tornado’s favorite!  Needless to say, I become a storm chaser.  Long story short, after about 30 minutes, I head out the door towards home.

When I get in the car, the tears start to fall.  “Why, why, why, why, why?”  “I shouldn’t have gone.”  The picture of everyone sitting around the table laughing, talking, and enjoying one another’s company with me on the outskirts looking in, keeps popping into my head.  “I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to do this anymore.” Then I hear these words playing on the car stereo…

“We will overcome. By the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Everyone OVERCOME….”

I know this is meant for me. My dear sweet Jesus…

The darkness starts to fade….

“…All authority. Victory is yours.”

The Light shines through.

I arrive home with a new resolve. I can and WILL overcome this darkness…one day at a time. With Jesus’s help, I can beat this!

And now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go assess the damage materializing before my very eyes! The “Storm” is raging on, but…in my own ransacked home.

Lunch Date


“So good to see you today!! I love you to the moon and back!!”

Yesterday I had a lunch date with my best girl friend. We get to see each other maybe once a month and usually always at the same place…a quaint little cafe in my hometown where literally EVERYONE knows your name.  We don’t do much on our lunch dates. We talk, laugh, and many times, we cry.

My dear friend, Sharon, and I have been friends for about twenty years.  In those twenty years, our lives have changed so drastically but our friendship has held strong. We have been through ups and downs and everything in between together and believe it or not, we are exact opposites:


I’ve had three kids. She’s struggled with infertility, three miscarriages, and has adopted one beautiful baby girl. I’ve been up and down in weight and she’s struggled with anorexia. I’m the artsy, comfy, and laid back girl. She’s the popular, cheerleader, athletic type. I live for the winter season so I can justify staying indoors. She longs for the summer so she can spend her days outdoors.  I struggle to get up in the mornings and I put my make up on ONLY when heading into town.  She gets up before every one in her household to work out, puts her lipstick on, and looks like she’s headed out for a night on the town all before I’ve had my morning coffee.

There is not one thing that should keep our friendship going…except one…our mutual love for Jesus.

Proverbs 18:19–Do a favor and win a friend forever; nothing can untie that bond. (The Message)

Ecclesiastes 4:12–By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. (The Message)

In the last few years, Sharon and I have both suffered through depression, hardships, and heartaches.  I’ve had times when I needed someone so desperately that I couldn’t hardly function.  Never fail, Sharon would send me a text letting me know that she was thinking and praying for me.  A true friend is one who sticks with you even in your darkest of days.

I’ve had times when life just seemed so utterly busy that I couldn’t remember which day it was and that usually meant too much time in between phone calls to my dear friend.  I’ve feared that she would be upset because I hadn’t even had time to say “hello”.  Never once has she condemned me for it.  She’s still there.  Waiting…but not fearing.

Over the years, I’ve had friends leave me because they didn’t want to mess with what I was going through. They didn’t have time for me.

Proverbs 18:24–One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Sharon has never left me.

Yesterday, at the cafe, Sharon looked me in the eye, started crying, and told me that she would not know what she would do if anything ever happened to me.  I’ve only had two other people tell me that…my mom and my husband.  How  could I be so blessed to have such a loyal, devoted friend?  I’m so unworthy, yet she sees worth in me.  And I will always treasure the gift she’s given me through all these years…her undying friendship and love!

The picture on top is from clear back in 1994 with our husbands and the quote underneath is what she sent to me after our lunch date yesterday. The other is a picture of Sharon and her daughter.

He’s the One!

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He’s the one who has all of the traits if I were to make a list of the perfect man.

He’s the one that every woman dreams of but I get to have.

He’s the one that loves me unconditionally despite my never-ending flaws.

He’s the one that when I’m having a bad day, he always asks “what’s wrong?”

He’s the one that leans in close to hear me say, “nothing” and brushes a kiss against my cheek.

He’s the one that grabs my waist with his strong work-worn hands and pulls me in close.

He’s the one that holds me tight when the tears start to flow.

He’s the one I melt into and share all of my fears with.

He’s the one that stays when so much should make him leave.

He’s the one that I still long for, live for, and dream about even after twenty years of marriage.

He’s the one. The only one. And thank God he’s mine.

18 years.JPG Valentines Day 2011

Let me tell you a bit more about my husband:

 My husband still gets asked how he can have a teenage daughter when he only looks 25. 🙂

When he turned 40, he achieved his own personal goal of being in the best shape of his life.

He cooks.  He cleans.  He’s organized.  Yes, it’s true!

He is the best daddy in the world!  He cherishes time with his family and never takes it for granted.

He can do absolutely anything he sets his mind to.

He introduces me to everybody as his “beautiful wife”.

My husband has put up with so much in the 24 years we have spent together, AND he still calls me his best friend.

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