moms to motorcycles

Celebrating the little things in life through struggles, hardships, and challenges with God, kids, motorcycles, and everything in between!

Archive for the tag “sunburn”

Sunburns and Fingerprints


Yesterday was my son’s play day at school.  Multiple track and field events are undertaken throughout the course of the day.  My boy, D, thrives in competition, so I was looking forward to getting to see him perform.

Going for an all day event outside in the Kansas heat and sun means that you have to prepare very carefully, especially with a toddler in tow.  So, I brought the necessary sunblock for myself and for the Little Guy, along with snacks, lots of water, Powerades, and a good lunch for all of us.  Before heading out of the car to the track, I slathered on the sunblock on the Little Guy.  Last thing I wanted was to have a sad Little Guy with a sunburn to take care of for days on end.  I decided, against my better judgement, to wait for my own sunblock because I THOUGHT I needed a little color.  Little being the operative word.  We then head out for an eventful day.

My tween age son is a bit small for his age, but what he lacks in stature, he makes up for in his attitude.  You get what I mean….he’s small but mighty, but I digress.  D chose to compete in the long jump, high jump, 400 run, and for a little excitement, the sack races!  One would think that these events that he chose would be for the tall and lanky, but why stunt the efforts of a little guy? IMG_5117 Well, I am proud to say that D came home with a first in all of his events for his age group, except the high jump which he got second.  Last year D broke the school record of the long jump.  I wish I could remember how far he jumped.  This year he performed just as well.

1:30 soon approached and the activities of the day came to a close.  D and the Little Guy were both tired and somewhat cranky.  Despite my best efforts of making everyone drink the necessary fluids, all of us were in need of hydration and a cool atmosphere, so we eventually headed for home.  While driving home, I felt that all too familiar tingle of an onset of a sunburn.  Oh brother, the excitement of the day made me forget or maybe not want to go back to the car and apply sunblock.  We get home and the red on my shoulders is glaring up at me.  Well, you would think that I would have enough smarts to protect myself for the rest of the day, especially when heading out on a motorcycle ride for a couple of hours…all…by…myself…yes, all by myself…without kids….without a care in the world!  Or so I thought.  I arrived home, picked up my Little Guy, and that’s when I knew that I was in for a world of hurt!  My arms, chest, and feet were screaming at me with a blazing red sunburn!  I head to the bathroom to wipe off the road grime from my ride and access the sunburn damage and that’s when I see it….right smack dab in the middle of my bicep are two very white hand prints in the middle of the scarlet red.  My Little Guy had branded me with his freshly sun-blocked hands before the day had even started!  Oh, I just had to laugh.  I love being a mom and now I have the marks to prove that I am just that…a mom…


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